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Hyun Bae

Instructor & Researcher in Linguistics

About me

I am a lecturer in the Linguistics Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. I completed my PhD in English Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, supervised by Dr. Jacee ChoI specialize in second and third (L2/L3) language acquisition, psycholinguistics, experimental linguistics, foreign language education and data science.

My focus spans from a variety of topics, ranging from L2/L3 parsing strategies, experimental syntax, pro-drop parameter, word order, case marking systems, among others, with a particular focus on English, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish. In essence, anything related to language acquisition and experimental linguistics captures my interest. In addition, I am a passionate and experienced foreign language educator, aiming to develop and distribute effective and accesssible language programs for everyone.


I am an active member of Second Language Acquisition Lab, and Applied Linguistics Student Association, Second Language Acquisition Student Organization and Psycholinguistics Lab. I am also currently the CEO of the ChatcraftersHub, an AI-based foreign language learning platform, the founder of LingXSolution, a platform aimed at supporting experimental linguists with resources, tools, and community for collaboration, and an author of seven English textbooks for Korean ESL learners. 

Profesional skills
● Programming & Scripting Languages:
- R, Java, Python, HTML, SQL
● Research & Data Analysis Tools: 
- Qualtrics, E-prime, Gorilla Experiment 
Builder COCA (English Corpora), etc.
● Speech, structure Analysis: PRAAT
● Automation Tools: Zapier
● Video Editing & Multimedia: Video-e
diting software (Sony Vegas Pro. Camtasia, YouTube Channel Management)
● Skills to integrate GPT into linguistics research and second language education

● PhD in English Linguistics, Expected in

   University of Wisconsin-Madison
● Master of Science in Language Education,

   Edinburgh University
● Bachelor of Arts in English language,

   Yanbian University

Copyright © Hyun Bae 2024

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